Beyond the Trip: Diving Deep into the World of Psychedelic Healing with Matt Zemon | Ep. 065

Beyond the Trip: Diving Deep into the World of Psychedelic Healing with Matt Zemon | Ep. 065

Join us for an enlightening episode of the MindHack podcast with special guest Matt Zemon, author of 'Psychedelics For Everyone' and a leading voice in the psychedelic movement. Dive into the fascinating world of psychedelic therapy, as Matt shares his personal journey, insights on the therapeutic use of psychedelics, and the future of mental wellness. Explore how these powerful substances are transforming lives and expanding consciousness, and discover the potential they hold for healing and personal growth. Tune in to uncover the transformative power of psychedelics and their role in shaping a new paradigm for mental health.

More on Matt Zemon:
Psychedelics For Everyone: A Beginner’s Guide to these Powerful Medicines for Anxiety, Depression, Addiction, PTSD, and Expanding Consciousness
Other books here

Books and other interesting mentions:
Joe Rogan Episode
Terence McKenna
Stoned Ape Theory
Eleusinian Mysteries
The Immortality Key: The Secret History of the Religion with No Name by Brian C. Muraresku
MDMA (Ecstacy)
Microdosing Collective
A Really Good Day: How Microdosing Made a Mega Difference in My Mood, My Marriage, and My Life by Ayelet Waldman
Dr. Ben Malcolm  | Spirit Pharmacist
Psychedelic Pharmacist Association
the dharmacist | Dr. Trina Nguyen
MAPS (Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies)
Heroic Hearts Project