David Allen

David Allen

Author / Founder - GettingThingsDone.com

David Allen is a world-renowned productivity expert and the creator of the "Getting Things Done" (GTD) methodology. His best-selling book of the same name has helped millions to achieve stress-free productivity, transforming the way individuals and organizations manage their work and lives. With a rich career spanning decades, Allen has conducted workshops, authored several influential books, and provided consultancy services globally. His GTD method has been adopted widely, proving its effectiveness across diverse environments. Allen's work emphasizes clarity, focus, and the strategic organization of tasks, enabling people to achieve greater efficiency and peace of mind.

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The Mind Behind Stress-Free Productivity: Getting Things Done with David Allen | Ep. 057
February 15, 2024

The Mind Behind Stress-Free Productivity: Getting Things Done with David Allen | Ep. 057

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